I recently came across a nice annoying error on an ESXi 5.1 server:
"Access to resource settings on the host is restricted to the server that is managing it: x.x.x.x"
I was given this error while connected directly to an ESXi server with vSphere client, attempting to resize a virtual disk on a VM (to add more capacity).
However as this ESXi server and its virtual machines was managed by vCenter server, it would not let me modify its "resource settings" i.e. its disk size.
I figured out a way to remove the host from thinking it was connected to vCenter (as in my case it wasnt - it had not been disconnected from vCenter before someone deleted it)!. This is probably not supported by VMware and I do not support it but it worked for me.
1. Connect to the ESXi server either on the console or via SSH
2. Edit /etc/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg
vi /etc/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg
Remove the whole vpxa section including <vpxa> and </vpxa> "d"
Save it ":wq!!
<level id="SoapAdapter.HTTPService">
<level id="SoapAdapter.HTTPService.HttpConnection">
3. Restart the services
/sbin/services.sh restart
Running vmware-fdm stop
Stopping vmware-fdm:success
Running xorg stop
Running wsman stop
Stopping openwsmand
Running sfcbd stop
This operation is not supported.
Please use /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop
Running snmpd stop
root: snmpd is not running.
Running sfcbd-watchdog stop
Running vpxa stop
watchdog-vpxa: Terminating watchdog process with PID 653929
vpxa stopped.
Running vobd stop
watchdog-vobd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 8643
vobd stopped
Running dcbd stop
watchdog-dcbd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9329
Running smartd stop
watchdog-smartd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9293
smartd stopped
Running cdp stop
watchdog-cdp: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9252
Running lacp stop
watchdog-net-lacp: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9184
Running memscrubd stop
memscrubd is not running
Running slpd stop
Stopping slpd
Running hostd stop
watchdog-hostd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9072
hostd stopped.
Running sensord stop
watchdog-sensord: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9047
sensord stopped
Running storageRM stop
watchdog-storageRM: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9011
storageRM stopped
Running lbtd stop
watchdog-net-lbt: Terminating watchdog process with PID 8976
net-lbt stopped
Running rhttpproxy stop
watchdog-rhttpproxy: Terminating watchdog process with PID 8938
rhttpproxy stopped.
Running usbarbitrator stop
watchdog-usbarbitrator: Terminating watchdog process with PID 8902
usbarbitrator stopped
Running DCUI stop
Disabling DCUI logins
VobUserLib_Init failed with -1
Running ntpd stop
Stopping ntpd
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Running ntpd restart
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Starting ntpd
Running DCUI restart
Enabling DCUI login: runlevel =
VobUserLib_Init failed with -1
Running usbarbitrator restart
usbarbitrator started
Running rhttpproxy restart
rhttpproxy started.
Running lbtd restart
net-lbt started
Running storageRM restart
storageRM started
Running sensord restart
sensord started
Running hostd restart
hostd started.
Running slpd restart
Starting slpd
Running memscrubd restart
The checkPages boot option is FALSE, hence memscrubd could not be started.
Running lacp restart
lacp started
Running cdp restart
cdp started
Running smartd restart
smartd started
Running dcbd restart
dcbd started
Running vobd restart
vobd started
Running vpxa restart
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Running sfcbd-watchdog restart
Running snmpd restart
root: snmpd has not been enabled.
Running sfcbd restart
This operation is not supported.
Please use /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start
Running wsman restart
Starting openwsmand
Running xorg restart
Running vmware-fdm restart
Starting vmware-fdm:success
~ #
4. Connect back to the ESXi server with vSphere client and it should now let you make the changes
Note: I would very much assume at this point if the host was managed by vCenter you will have to disconnect and reconnect the host to push out the VPXA agent and config, otherwise you wont be able to manage the host via vCenter.
As it happens the ESXi server I had this issue with was no longer managed by vCenter server as someone has rebuilt vCenter, but had not removed this host from vCenter before doing so.
Before I did a fresh install of vCenter,I want to add some more disk to the vCenter VM. This had to be done directly connected to the host, as the vCenter it no longer existed!
While its not very often that would happen, I can see other issues very similar. Say for example the vCenter server ran out of space because of SQL logs, hence the SQL and/or vCenter service might not start. In that case you would want to quickly as more disk space to the VM and get vCenter back up, but you would have to resort to the above.
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