I thought I would share this one with you all showing the reliability and stability of VMware ESX 4.0 ...
I was performing an ESX 4.0 to ESXi 4.1 migration and found an ESX 4.0 server with an uptime of 486 days! The highest uptime ive seen.
No updates have been applied since its build requiring a reboot and its not been shutdown due to hardware upgrades etc.
Just goes to show how stable VMware products are, and the only need to shut it down was because it could be not upgraded from ESX to ESXi. Brilliant!
Reminds me of a RHEL 3 web server that had been up so long the uptime counter reset back to zero (something to do with an integer limit if I remember right)! The only reason that RHEL server got shutdown was for a memory upgrade!
So it was a happy ending for this ESX server which is reborn as a slimmer, fitter more secure ESXi server!
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