CapacityIQ is an add-on to vCenter. CapacityIQ is used to assess virtual resource capacity based on current usage and what-if scenarios.
It can be used to determine under utilised or over allocated resources, so that waste can be re-allocated and bottlenecks can be removed.
Because CapacityIQ is used via a vCenter plugin, it is accessed via a single pane (aka the vSphere client).
CapacityIQ is provided as a virtual applicance in .OVF fomat, which makes it extremely easy to deploy.
The virtual machine it deploys requires 1vCPU, 3GB of memory and 110GB of storage.
DHCP is used to give the CapacityIQ application an IP address, however I recommend you set it to static IP. I would even create an A record in DNS so its memorable.
1. First start by purchasing and downloading CapacityIQ.
You can signup for a 60 day trial if you would like to test it before purchasing.
2. Login to vCenter with the vSphere client.
Go to File --> Deploy OVF Template
3. Specify the .OVF file for CapacityIQ you downloaded.
Click Next.
4. The virtual machine will be deployed.
Click Close when complete.
5. Power on the CapacityIQ virtual machine.
Open the console and watch it boot. It will take a few minutes to initially boot.
When prompted enter a password for the "root" and "ciqadmin" users.
6. Once the OS and application has booted the IP of CapacityIQ will be shown (if it got a DHCP lease)
If an IP address was not received via DHCP or you would like to set a static IP, go to step 7.
Otherwise go to step 8.
7. Login and go to Configure Network
Set the required IP address, mask, gateway and DNS servers.
Review and accept the configuration by pressing "y".
Optionally create an A record in DNS so you dont have to remember the IP address, instead you could use a FQDN "", or even "capacityiq" if you have the correct search domain(s) configured. If you dont know what that means dont worry, it wont stop this working!
8. Open IE and browse to of your CapacityIQ VM.
Login with "ciqadmin" and the password you set previously.
9. CapacityIQ need registering and connecting to vCenter server.
Click "Register".
10. Enter your vCenter server address (ideally FQDN).
Enter the username and password to connect and then Click Apply.
11. You will now see CapacityIQ is registered with vCenter server.
You can now exit the web browser and console session. These will no longer be needed apart from changing the IP or licensing.
12. Enable the CapacityIQ plug-in in the vSphere client.
Plug-ins --> Manage Plugins.
Right click "CapacityIQ" and click Enable.
The plug-in will be enabled, close the plug-in manager.
13. Thats it!
You will notice the CapacityIQ icon in "Solution and Applications" section of the "Home" pane.
vCenter CapacityIQ - Part 1 - Installing
vCenter CapacityIQ - Part 2 - Dashboard, Views and Reports
vCenter CapacityIQ - Part 3 - What-If Scenario
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