Reset Password and Force Change at Logon for an Entire OU:
dsquery user "OU=London,OU=Staff,DC=vmadmin,DC=local" | dsmod user -pwd Password1 -mustchpwd yes
Change "company" AD attribute for all Users in an Entire OU:
dsquery user "OU=London,OU=Staff,DC=vmadmin,DC=local" | dsmod user -company "VMadmin"
Return the DN of all users in an OU:
dsquery user "OU=London,OU=Staff,DC=vmadmin,DC=local"
Return the DN of all users in an OU, then get all the groups the users are a member of:
dsquery user "OU=London,OU=Groups,DC=vmadmin,DC=local" | dsget user -memberof
Return the DN of all users in an OU, then get all the groups the users are a member of and use recursion:
dsquery user "OU=London,OU=Staff,DC=vmadmin,DC=local" | dsget user -memberof -expand
Return the DN of all users in an OU, then get all the groups the users are a member of and use recursion. Then return the name of all the groups:
dsquery user "OU=London,OU=Staff,DC=vmadmin,DC=local" | dsget user -memberof -expand | dsget group -samid
Get all the groups a user is a member of and use recursion. Then return the name of all the groups:
dsquery user "CN=User3,OU=London,OU=Staff,DC=vmadmin,DC=local" | dsget user -memberof -expand | dsget group -samid
Create an OU:
dsadd ou "ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local"
Create a Group:
dsadd group "cn=London Users,ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local"
Create a User:
dsadd user "cn=JoeUser1,ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local"
Add a User to a Group:
dsmod group "cn=LondonUsers,ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local" -addmbr "cn=JoeUser1,ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local"
Find User Beggining with "J" and Return Matching Users "samid" and "department" Attributes:
dsquery user domainroot -name J* | dsget user -samid -dept
Move an OU:
dsmove "ou=LiverpoolStreetOffice,dc=domain,dc=local" -newparent "ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local"
Rename and OU:
dsmove "cn=LondonUsers,ou=London,dc=domain,dc=local" -newname LondonStaff
Remove an OU and all its Subtree Without Prompting:
dsrm -noprompt -subtree "ou=deleteme,dc=domain,dc=local"
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